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Oslo Innovation Week

  • Trekanten 24 Pilestredet Oslo, Oslo, 0164 Norway (kart)

Oslo Innovation Week 2023 har Trekanten som sitt hovedkvarter og base. Gjennom hele uken inviteres alle til å komme innom for å møte kolleger, investorer og andre OIW-deltakere.

Dette skriver de selv, på egne sider:

Connect with your future investor, colleague, and friend at the Oslo Innovation Week 2023 Headquarters, located at Trekanten. Our doors are open daily from 08:00 to 16:00, inviting both local and international communities to gather for casual discussions, enjoy refreshments, and coffee in an exceptionally vibrant environment. This serves as the perfect spot to visit between events, where you'll have the chance to engage with the Oslo Innovation Week team and its dynamic community. Additionally, we offer the opportunity for students to create a special experience for OIW participants, tailoring activities and interactions to enhance the unique atmosphere of the event.

Les mer om OIW her.

24. september

Søndagsmarked hos ByMad

25. september

OIW - From Idea to Series A